Bordul SEA HUB 3

Comitetul științific

Director, PhD, Dan SERGHIE, Fundația Română pentru Inteligența Afacerii
Associate Profesor, Constantin - Valer NECULA, Universitatea Lucian BLaga din Sibiu
Associate Profesor, Florin Alexandru LUCA, Universitatea Tehnică Gheorghe Asachi din Iași

Profesor, Dumitru ZAIȚ, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași (RO)
Professor Claude MARTIN, Université Pierre Mendès France de Grenoble (FR)
Professor Tawfiq RKIBI, Rector Universidade Europeia, Lisboa (PT)
Professor Ludmila STERBOVA, University of Economics, Prague (CZ)
Professor Stanka TONKOVA, University of National and World Economy (BG)
Professor Blandine VANDERLINEN, ICHEC Brussels Management School (BE)
Profesor Constantin SASU, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași (RO)
Professor Maria BEDRULE-GRIGORUȚĂ, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași (RO)
Associate Professor Blanca GRAMA, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (RO)
Associate Professor Irina Teodora MANOLESCU, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași (RO)
Associate Professor Adriana MANOLICĂ, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași (RO)
Associate Professor Ovidiu Aurel GHIUȚĂ, Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava (RO)

Retrospectiva evenimentului

The SEA HUBs reunited several academic disciplines but also had a multidisciplinary approach. The scholars that attended the works of the conference SEA HUBs had various backgrounds such as: Anthropology, Accounting, Communication Studies, Economy, Geography, History, Language, Law, Management, Marketing, Political Science, and Theology.

The activity is meant to gather for 4 days (3 nights) Researchers and PhDs who, within the framework of an absolutely informal program, may combine relaxation and tourism with an exchange of practical ideas and develop interdisciplinary common research projects. For this project was allocated 10 seats for six different scientific fields.

The SEA HUB Spirituality and Creativity - Fusion between Social Sciences, Arts, Theology, Engineering and Management, was organized by the Romanian Foundation for Business Intelligence and with the particularly valuable support of “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu and The Romanian Academy, Iași Branch.

The conference was hosted by the “Academy of Sambata de Sus”, Brasov County.

The first speaker to open the conference Spirituality and Creativity, was Associate Professor Pr. Constantin NECULA. Professor Necula focused his speech on the border between science and spirituality. He raised a series of difficult questions regarding the scope and the veracity of the scientist and science that are cut off from the spirituality and pointed out, that from his perspective, a scientist without God is a failed scientist because science in the absence of morals can significantly deviate and have serious negative impacts.

Another major point in the discourse of Prof Necula addressed the importance of communicating research. A good researcher is a researcher that is not isolated like an island, but is a researcher that reaches out to other scientist and also other disciplines than his /her own. A very good researcher it he one who can communicate his/her results to anybody anytime, being able to connect to scientist and laymen alike.

The discussions were continued by Associate Professor Florin Alexandru LUCA, chair of The Commission for Studying Marketing Problems from The Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch. Mr Luca gave a presentation on Marketing & Creativity. The presentation started with an analysis of a quote of Edmund Spenser “It is the mind that makes good of ill, that makes wretch or happy, rich or poor."

Further, he highlighted the importance of marketing communication focusing on the element of reframing, a creativity tool in marketing. The topics of reframing of content and respectively the reframing of the context in business, were discussed at length. Lastly, a video example was presented in order to highlight the synergy between marketing, creativity and spirituality, which was the central theme of the conference.

The presentation was followed by a discussions on the role of marketing in the current society and the special influence marketing has via its powerful tools, which can create both positive impacts but also might slip towards a negative side.

The final conclusion of the discussion referenced the level de education and the spirituality that any human could reach in order to achieve peace and prosperity.

We will review some of the presentations and a brief description of theme proposed by authors:

Adina Roxana MUNTEANU, from The Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania, presented her paper “THE ETHICAL LAYER OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT”

“Working with the Brundtland definition of sustainable development, this articles aims to shed some light on the ethical choices that are implied and raised by this concept and attempts to sketch the main ideas of the ecological ethos of the global community. In essence, this article argues that the adoption and implementation of the concept of sustainable development implies an ethical package that needs to be understood, assumed and adapted by the stakeholders that define and enact implementing measures. With the intent to clarify some of the ethical assumptions, such as value of nature, the precautionary principle and intergenerational equity, the articles reviews some important points of the discussions on various standpoints of the ongoing debates. Even though the ethical standpoints are by their nature a personal choice of each of us, they have impact at a larger, arguably, global scale.”

Ionela – Valeria POPESCU, PhD student, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, presented her paper ”THE ROLE OF NATION BRANDING IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN TOURISM”

”This thesis approaches a current subject, in the context of the economic changes that are occurring on a global scale, that is, entrepreneurship and the benefits of its development for people. Whether it is manifested in the tourism industry or any other area of activity, the enterprise must be encouraged for at least two essential reasons: through the diversity of the goods and services that they offer, companies contribute to serving a large number of needs and creating new jobs. The novelty of the theme is emphasized by introducing the subject of nation branding as an opportunity and, at the same time, as a challenge for entrepreneurs in the field of tourism, but also by pointing out how this can contribute to an increase of their income. The purpose of the research is to highlight the role of nation branding in the development of entrepreneurship in tourism and the results of the research are outlined in an overview of the signals that the business environment that was the object of the research is giving off with regards to nation branding and its importance for Romania.”

Constantin SCHIPOR, from "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University , Doctoral School of Economics and Business Administration, presented his paper ”SCANDINAVIAN MODEL BETWEEN ASPIRATIONS AND ACHIEVEMENTS”

”The European social models that emerged in Europe are answers to various problems faced by micro and macroeconomic activity. An insight into the economic situation of all European social models emphasizes that the Nordic model has the highest efficiency in terms of economic results. The states that belong to the scandinavian model are characterized by stable economic growth, strong social democracy, a strong trade union movement, low levels of corruption and universality of the system that helps companies to overcome difficult moments. This paper highlights the micro and macroeconomic policies that have led to economic stability and very good results in terms of living standards. The main hypothesis of the paper assumes that investments in education and workforce improvement led to the growth of the living standards in the Scandinavian model.”

Alexandra GALBIN, from Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Department of Sociology and Social Work, presented his paper ”A RELATIONAL APPRECIATIVE APPROACH IN CONSTRUCTING INNOVATIVE THINKING”

”This paper aims to explore the relational appreciative approach in organizational context. In the first part it presents a brief literature review from a social constructionist perspective, and then it emphasizes conceptual and practical resources which open up possibilities to create innovative thinking. The perspective centers language as a key element in emerging ideas and implementing changes in organizations. Appreciating and understanding the realities constructed lead to a successful self-relational, increasing organizational collective commitment and motivation. In a process of continuous negotiation, each member of organization influences and directs the actions which construct the organization itself. Finally, the paper suggests that a relational appreciative approach is a powerful weapon in constructing innovative thinking in organizational development.”

Geanina Constanța SPĂTARU (PRAVĂȚ), from "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Doctoral School of Economics and Business Administration, presented her paper ”OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH– VECTOR OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN ROMANIAN COMPANIES”

”The increasing interest given by the Romanian companies in reaching the social and environment objectives, the involvement of the international and European organizations in promoting the long-lasting development, lead to including the performance requirements of the corporate social responsibility within the long-lasting development strategy of the business, as an important part of the business organizations vision. Regarded through the eye of the internal dimension of the corporate social responsibility, the care of the companies for the safety and health of their own employees, for the assurance of safe and healthy workplaces as well as for the development of an occupational risk prevention culture represents one of the main corporate social responsibilities of the companies. The purpose of this article is to investigate the local reports of the corporate social responsibility of the companies that function in Romania, through their own web page and to make an analysis of the occupational safety and health component as presented in the CSR reports of these companies.”

Alexandru-Ioan I. PINTILIE, from “Alexandru Ioan Cuza University” of Iassy, Romania, Faculty of Orthodox Theology „Dumitru Stăniloae”, presented his paper ”THE LAICS ROLE IN PREACHING THE DIVINE WORD IN THE CHURCH”

”The question that preoccupies more and more the Church has been intensively raised and is referring to the role of the laics in teaching the divine Word within the Church. Of course, this question has an answer, but it also raises two questions: which kind of laics and in what conditions can they preach the Word? We find the teaching of the divine Word by the laics within the Church since its beginnings, when they had an important role in the spreading and teaching through the Gospel. The laics can practice their right of teaching the Word, by going on mission and contributing to the reinforcement and the defense of the faith, both by public actions, but only with the hierarchy permission and also by private actions, as parents or members of a Christian family or society.”

Vasile-Lucian V. GOLDAN, from “Alexandru Ioan Cuza University” of Iassy, Romania, Faculty of Orthodox Theology „Dumitru Stăniloae”, presented his paper ”THE ARCHIBISHOP ANTIM IVIREANU’S (1708-1716)- INTERACTIONS BETWEEN THE ORTHODOX RELIGION, SPIRITUALITY AND CREATIVITY”

”A striking mark on the romanian culture was left by a georgian character, Andrei from Iviria, later known under the name of Antim hieromonk, and also in the cultural and religious romanian consciousness, known as Antim Ivireanul the Metropolitan of Țara Românească. Togheter with this Antim, the ruler Constantin Brâncoveanu managed to perfect a vaste missionary work, which didn’t limit only at the country territory, but went beyond its borders, heading to Transilvania, Sinai, Jerusalem, Constantinopol, Serbia, Georgia and the Athos Mountain. The present work express in a sistematic and objective manner, the activity and the role of the hieromonk, then of the Metropolitan Antim, in our romanian culture’s development through the interaction between the orthodox spirituality and the innovative creativity of the walachian bishop.”

Dimi OFILEANU, from “1st of December 1918” University of Alba Iulia, presented his paper ”LEAN ACCOUNTING – BY WHEN IN ROMANIA?”

”The research is fundamental for the technical progress; its aim is to ensure the visibility of a new concept appeared worldwide – “lean thinking” which could be successfully implemented by Romanian companies too. The article makes a review of the specialized literature regarding this new concept and analyses the evolution of the publication of articles based on the following key words: lean accounting, lean manufacturing, lean philosophy, lean production and value stream. Also, it presents the stage of publishing specialized articles by Romanian authors or in Romanian magazines indexed in international databases.”

Silvius STANCIU, from Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, presented his paper ”FOOD SECURITY IN ROMANIA”

”The increasing world population, the limitation of the natural availability for food production, the climate issues and the food consumption need for modification imposed a continuous updating of the food security concept. Although Romania has sufficient natural resources, which may ensure, by means of proper exploitation, the population’s food needs, the lack of a unitary approach at the government level, materialized in the dependence on imports and in fluctuations in the agro-food production, leads to a re-evaluation of national food needs. National food security may be affected by a series of risks and threats, which appeared due to an imbalance connected with the availability, the utility and the stability of the agro-food sector, interdependent elements that must be functional. The present article proposes an analysis of food security in Romania, with a short presentation of the concept in an international context.”


”Animal breeding for milk represents a basic occupation of the Romanian population, ensuring the best utilization of fodder obtained from natural pastures, steady incomes and local workforce stability. Since 2015 the restrictions imposed to producers from the European Union by the Milk Quota System ceased. The implementation of government strategies to support the national level of production and to efficiently capitalize raw milk and consumption could ensure a healthy nutrition to the population and substantial income. Romanian producers are affected by the quota’s elimination, which overlapped with a decrease in sales by increasing the milk supply on the domestic market due to Russia’s embargo.”

Ciprian Iulian TOROCZKAI, from „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, presented his paper ”ABOUT LOVE; MURDER AND EMERALDS. IOAN PETRU CULIANU'S ”SERIOUSLY” GAME WITH FICTION”

”This study looks into how Ioan Petru Culianu illustrated some of his ideas, as a historian of religions and as a philosopher of culture, in one of his literary works, The Emeralds Game. This novel is more than mere detective fiction, it is also a magic and esoteric novel, and to understand it we need to refer to magic, astrologic or geomantic practices. This means the considerations the author expressed in his other essential scientific works are “logically” extended, continued in this literary writing. The contemporaneity of the work is suggested by the significant fictional world it proposes, a world where the political blends with the religious, where reality blends with the psychological, science with adventure; all these aspects bring this novel to the same level with other similar novels, like Umberto Eco’s Name of the Rose or Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code.”

Marius ANDREESCU, Judge at the Court of Appeal in Pitesti and Lecturer PhD - University of Piteşti, presented his paper ”FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE LEGAL AND RELIGIOUS IMPLICATIONS”

”Conscience is a defining existential reality of man, whose meaning can be seen only through an interdisciplinary unceasing effort of thinking and knowledge. In this study, we aim to make such an analysis of the conscience as an ontological foundation and characteristic of man, in its individual and social dimension, whose basis is made up of philosophical, theological and legal ideas, concepts and theories. Freedom of conscience is the main feature of the manifestations of man as a person within the specific environment of his/her existence. From the legal point of view, freedom of conscience is a complex fundamental right requesting a wide legislative system in order to establish and guarantee it. In our opinion, both the basis and the legitimacy of the legal system protecting the freedom of conscience are given by the philosophical truths and the truths of faith, as expressed in theological writings and meditations. In this study, we identify the theological and philosophical bases of the freedom of conscience and their reflection in the legal field.”


Pentru că marile conferințe nu se referă doar la ideile și prezentările disponibile în programul lor, ci sunt centrate pe relații și conectarea cu noi prieteni, pe stabilirea de parteneriate, am inițiat un program special sub denumirea de HUB-uri SEA (sau Seminarul Național Doctoral).

Comitetul de organizare HUB 3

Membri FRIA ai Comitetului de Organizare:

Assistent Editor: Diana Prisecaru
Assistent Editor: Diana Aramă
Assistent Editor: Carmen Nistor
Assistent Editor: Vlad Asoltanei
Assistent Editor: Cristian Marin

Membri Universității ”Lucian Blaga” ai Comitetului de Organizare:

PhD Candidate: Maria Curtean
Student: Vicențiu Dragoș Bășa
